Preschool through 5th Grade service. Wednesday at 6:00 PM
We believe there is a different way to do church in today's world, a return to an ancient way, the Way of Jesus. It is a way of life filled with healing, hope, friends, play, purpose and mission. We gather together on Sundays to worship God and during the week we want to living as families on mission, learning how to make disciples who make disciples. It's a way of life with certain rhythms that looks something like:

Doing Mission Together
Everyone experiences brokenness and difficulty, and God has given us a mission to help people experience both forgiveness and freedom.

Relationship With God
Everything we do starts with a saving relationship with Jesus. In Him we have new life, great purpose and calling. Up is spending time with our Savior.

Deepening Friendships
Following Jesus is done best in a community that eats together, learns together, plays together, and lives like a growing family.

One way we want you to experience Jesus is through the Gathered Church. These are times when we gather on a Sunday morning or another event during the week to encounter God and respond to him as a larger church family.
Sunday Services
Family Life Events
Children & Youth Events

We believe that church is more than a Sunday gathering. The Scattered Church is made up of people come together during the week to worship across our city, share life together, and reach their friends and neighbors with good news.
Small Groups
Leadership Huddles