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Sunday 10:15 AM


717 East Alder Street

Walla Walla, WA  99362

Gathering to worship God the Father, Son, and Spirit

When is your worship service?
10:15 AM on Sundays

Where Do I Park?
Parking is located across the street from the church building on the corner of Clinton and Alder St. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have.

What about my Kids? What is Family Worship?
We are a Family Church, and this means our children attend church with us.  We believe the church is the gathering of God's people to worship, from the youngest to the oldest. We also believe Jesus gave some pretty special attention to children, including guidance to the adults about letting the little ones come and grow as part of the Body of Christ.

Is it harder for our kids to be in church with us? Sometimes it is. But what is our goal? Teaching our children to be part of the worshiping church body, not separated from it.

Our service fully includes your kids; we desire to teach them to be the church, to learn the importance of faith and what it means to be a follower of Jesus today. Kids and Youth sing, worship, give, learn, and pray right along with the adults. Twice a month we have our awesome Bible Story One-Shot, a kids Bible story right in the service! We have what we call the "Kids House of Worship". This is a cool little "house" in the front of the sanctuary  where kids and teens line up during the break for age-appropriate activity to help them learn from the message.

How can I give?

  • Online: Give

  • Sunday, using the Giving Boxes

  • With Your Phone: Text: 1 (541) 236-3633

  • Mail a check to the office: 717 E. Alder St. Walla Walla, WA 99362

Is there a nursery?
Yes! Our Noah's Ark Nursery is staffed by professionally trained nursery workers. It is available every Sunday for our littlest ones. Learn more at Noah's Ark Nursery.


Hearing God's Word Preached

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching...

Acts 2:42a

Singing Together in Worship

They sang songs, hymns, and spiritual songs...

Ephesians 5:19

Gathering Together In Fellowship
2pc Nov 14 AGNC Potluck.jpeg

 They gathered together in fellowship and to the breaking of bread...

Acts 2:42b

Giving Tithes & Offerings

They brought their full tithe into the storehouse...

Malachi 3:10

Praying Together as Family

They confessed their sins and prayed for one another...

James 5:16

They Loved One Another and All Ages Were Discipled.

Thomas Hogan

Thomas Hogan





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